Wednesday, March 31, 2010


These are free at Jay Jays, so if you drop by ask an assistant you can get a pair for free. They are meant to be used to watch their 3D video online, the dilemma is that I only have 350mb left for today to use. That is not alot when you're sharing it with 5 members of the family. Not going to be online today.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I was looking through my old stuff because I was supposed to submit 4 of my most recent artworks for my portfolio into Art School. I've never felt so disappointed in my self, this year I've only done the 2 tribal photos, the sculpture, and then a year gap so the last thing before that was the teapot. I am not proud of my absence from art, I'm ashamed of it. Also I checked my bank balance, and somehow I spent 3k since May 2009. I don't remember spending it and now I wonder how am I supposed to stay under budget for G'day USA.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Taken with a mobile camera, but during Photography class we mucked around with some old manual film cameras, and I love the sound of the shutter and its just heaven. Found out we're allowed to borrow them when we want, which is fabulous just yeah. School gets 100m worth of film for only $120 thats like $1.20 for every metre and if you have no idea how many photos you can get with that.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I should have taken a picture relating to Palm Sunday, but I couldn't find anything palmy so I went into my brother's room, and looked through what I could find to take a picture of. Heres his toy sharks, you know how kids have phases - cars, dinosaurs, well this was from his marine phase around when Finding Nemo just released.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


It should be autumn now, we can't feel it since it's still excrusiatingly hot. But this poor butterflies life is at its whim, its alive don't worry but butterflies aren't meant to live in the cold seasons. Its dying, I watched its final minutes, fluttering then crash landing into the ground, after I took this picture it fluttered off again going to a near by tree where a much stronger butterfly spent some time with it. Sounds all deep, but yeah it was kinda sad watching this butterfly trying to live and it just couldn't.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I went to watch Cop Out with Jane, Jannice & Bryan today. It was a hilarious movie and there were only 2 other people in the cinema at the time. Drinking from Bryan's slurpee, laughing our head off and half the time I don't even know what the plot was. It was just pure hilarity.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


There's this floating spider web in my garden, I say its floating as its 4 metres from the ground and its between these two giant gums. Hence I took this picture with my 55-250mm lens. I wrote 4.5pages for english and I'm beyond satisfied even though I much preferred having question one.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Bed hair this morning, yeah STUPID ENGLISH.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I use these to stab my various voodoo dolls, only jesting. Though if I could have a voodoo doll it would be of the person who killed my msn. I dislike you msn staff. Why let us down? FOR A WHOLE DAY. I was on msn this morning and it was functioning, but what changed... why?

Monday, March 22, 2010


I screwed up Ag... I screwed up... I screwed up... And I can't get what I've lost. Oh well so my mum has 2 sewing machines and hundreds of bobbins, threads and lace. Its amazing what she has, since I'm lazy I always get her to make things I want. And I do know how to function the sewing machine. I can use it make things but I'm never bothered to.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


It was just yesterday, I was talking to Amy and I was discussing my love for Sweet Chili Philadelphia & Ritz biscuit, she told me she's never had them before. So today me, John, Francis and Mummy went Livo for some grocery shopping I got some philly and ritz. I shall share them with her tomorrow :D

Saturday, March 20, 2010


My reading material as of late, I just finished reading NO last night and started on Above (Very eco friendly mag) and today I bought the latest Yen which I got a free pad from, which the MALE newsagent guy had to give it to me. I'm reading the food guide, to help plan out my next outing with Uyen. Also reading Animal Farm for the English Exam and reading Emma because I'm reading too much. I was trying to get some pretty flare and glare, but it got distorted due to my dirty bedroom window.

Friday, March 19, 2010


I give you a black and white photo which turned out nicely blurred and soft. I love how my camera can slightly recreate a film camera's grainy affect. Maybe I won't be spontaneous film camera.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I give you a family portrait we took this morning with a random guy from Melbourne. From left to right its my dog (Goldie), my Dad, Random guy from Melbourne, Francis, Mum, John and myself. I have uneven socks because I'm no perfectionist. You see whenever we have guests my dad insists on taking family portraits, I believe I have like 5 sets just from this year. Ranging from me in pe uniform, summer uniform, pajamas and random casual clothing. Yeah I don't bother with them.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This is a pretty awkward photo. I forgot to say so that a few weeks ago I paid $26 to make my flickr account pro so I could have more bandwidth and less ads. Yeahhhh I wasted $26. Also that I'm also applying for the Arts School, and I don't know my chances to actually getting nominated to do it. But everything is worth a try.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So today after school, I was in the girls' dorms of the Boarding school. I was helping Tansy out with her fun little project, she's showing it at Year Assembly. Don't worry year 11'ers you'll see it, mostly its me being a guy and emotional and kinda creepy. So this photo was taken in the girls bathrooms. Which were a lot nicer then the room I stayed in in 2006. Kinda hilarious, I want to see the end result and then I don't want to see it. Its urghs.

Monday, March 15, 2010


If you didn't know what this is, you must be deprived. This is a pink blossom of a strawberry shrub. This blossom has a lot of things in common with me, yet I refuse it to be. A strawberry plant is a close relative to the rose bush, well I hope you learnt something new. My name is "Rosa" making me related to the plant, the only thing I hate about it is that my name in some way means "Pink".... I don't like pink much, but I'm getting used to it. One day I'll embrace Pink like I should. And dye my hair so. JOKING. Also I'm in love with Lomography and Photojojo. I'm eventually going to buy a Fish Eye lens for my camera, and I want to get a lomo/holga/LCA+/Diana+/Horizon/Multi-lens' camera one day, which is likely to be when I move out.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


My slightly neater worktable. I'm on blogger I finished Physics' notes, I CAN GET RID OF THOSE GHASTLY TEXTBOOKS FUCK YEAH! Sorry language, but I'm so relieved my hours spent on these notes. I better get a good mark on Tuesday. 7 handwritten pages, better be good enough one thing I know it is more than enough.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


So I said on my main blog that I went to the beach today, and I caught the last few glimpses of light for the day. I took 455photos while on this field trip. So instead of doing physics and english, I was being the weirdo I was listening to my ipod and taking pictures of the clouds.

Friday, March 12, 2010


I went to Liverpool Library after I ate at home after school. So I was walking around with the school dress and sandals, so quite mismatched. Not like I have some sort of style reputation to worry about. First few things I realized lots of school kids are in the library, lots of kids from our school in the library. Pretty sure I saw Caroline but I was looking for those physics' textbooks. Once I got to the science section and specifically on those Universe area. I saw half of the shelf bare, yeah guys, I know you've been here. >:( So I asked the attendant if there were any books left since I was getting lazy with looking at the glossary and content of each book. The asian guy helped, he did all the work and was like "Hey... why am I doing this for you" and I was like "heeheheehee".. So he found the giant physics textbooks for me. BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I miss making birthday cards on a weekly basis. So I somewhat put much more effort into Allan's birthday card than usual, but not too much. As I did pretty much did this on a train ride. I'm too talented at drawing with a black pen. Also yes there's a typo in the card, don't worry it was fixed before it was given to him. I'm so emo, should listen to my friends, stop being so black and white lately. P.S ARGHS BLOGGER ORIGINALLY POSTED THIS ON MAIN BLOG. F YOU BLOGGER. Why be annoying for?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


HEHEHEH LOL. Its the 69th day of the year, my maturity level could be compared to a twelve year olds' and no difference can be seen. But I bought ABOVE magazine today for $10 instead of buying Found. I also got cassette tapes from Vinnies for $0.50 each (Pop Classical Music, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Christmas Songs and something). I even made conversation with the cashier lady, she commented how I came from Hurlstone and that I must be smart, I chuckled and told her... differently.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I love playing with focus and shutter speed. So this is what I got, so I had little experimental pictures like flare and then some bokeh. And this is tricking you guys as to how much light was in the picture. I left the shutter speed for longer so more light can be allowed into the camera therefore making it look heavenly and bigger contrast in dark and light.

Monday, March 8, 2010


To show you how my day was quite boring, I've decided to also show you want is boring. My dirty window in my room. Rain + Dust = Dirty Window. This is what happens when you live in Australia and the weather just doesn't want to behave, and decides to ruin the appeal of your room. But usually the only person ever in my room is myself. So. I guess its fine.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Believe it or not this photo was taken from my bedroom. I was no where near the outside world. Thanks to my 55-250IS mm lens. That way I can take paparazzi photos while still in my bedroom. AHAHAHAA Yeah. Does anyone else besides me think it gives some aussie vibe?

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I like food. I quote. K-DAWG: "Whats your favourite four letter word" ... Rosa: "Food". So spent $5.00 on Hot Chocolate at Gloria Jeans, $10.90 on Chicken and Bacon Filo with Salad, $4.80 on Coca Cola Spider and $4.30 at Easyway. Oh damnyum. Hit it to my main blog for full recount... well more than here.

Friday, March 5, 2010


It was raining today, and Stari I have no idea what type of plants they were. I would ask my mother but she's busy at the moment. Today was plain old boring. A lot of Annie and me chatty-batting. Not sure about you, but today I got an email from Canon EOS becuase I subscribed to their news.... I'm so sad. Well they released the Canon EOS 550D today, and from what I've read its mostly just an upgraded version of 500D with 18MP and wider screen, and better video options. Also it adds watermark by the owner. Sounds cool right?

Thursday, March 4, 2010


My bought this plant recently in 4 different shades, purple, dark pink, light pink and white. Amazing right? Well she's a florist she loves her flowers, I even told her once I wanted to be a florist when I grow up and she yelled that I wanted to be a doctor. But since then I've set my eyes on goals. :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I had this picture of my suspension letter from Centrelink, and I uploaded it then realized it had all my details on it. And that wasn't a good idea to post it on the internet. DAMN. So here's something I got today :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I finally learnt how to work Logs and standard deviation on my calculation. I've been pressing "3" instead of "4" which is why I've been obtaining the weirdest answers. Now I'm satisfied.

Monday, March 1, 2010


These are the old lacy curtains I have in my bedroom, I've had them since my room was pink. Thats a long time ago. Got our first Physics Task, not liking the whole senior studying mode...